Sustainable Outdoor Wear for Adventurers

At Tellus, we understand that your love for the great outdoors goes hand-in-hand with a commitment to protecting the environment. That’s why we proudly offer a range of versatile, durable, and sustainable outdoor wear. Our outdoor wear keeps you comfortable while minimizing your ecological footprint.
Why Choose Our

Sustainable Outdoor Wear?

Choosing sustainable outdoor wear is a simple way to reduce your environmental footprint while staying comfortable and stylish. Sustainable outdoor wear isn’t just about staying comfortable on the trail or looking good—it’s about making choices that benefit the planet.

Browse Our Outdoor Wear

Sustainable outdoor clothing is designed with durability, ethical sourcing, and eco-friendly materials. Whether you’re hiking through the Rockies or camping under the stars, investing in sustainable gear means you’re contributing to the preservation of the natural landscapes you cherish. We have cool summer staples and cozy winter classics—all made sustainably.


Our GiveBack100 Promise

Less than 2% of all charitable contributions globally go towards our most significant threats: climate change & biodiversity loss. That’s why we have pledged to donate 100% of our net profits to organizations that directly combat our biggest environmental challenges, including coral reef protection, land & water conservation, and reforestation. And we let you decide which cause matters most to you.
Tellus is the first of its kind. But for everyone’s sake, we hope it’s not the last.

Sustainability First, Second & Always

We’re rethinking the way clothing is made to bring about a better planet, stronger communities & brighter future.
Our Materials

100% of Tellus products are made using some form of recycled material, and the vast majority of our products are made using nearly all recycled materials. Oftentimes, these materials are recycled versions of things like polyester, but we’re also incorporating more innovative materials like Seawool, which we use to create our joggers and performance shorts and is created from plastic bottles and oyster shell waste.

Our Suppliers

During their time in the Peace Corps, founders Joe & Melissa saw how big industry had the potential to devastate or uplift a community and vowed that Tellus would do the latter. Every supplier in the US and in Vietnam has been vetted through research or in-person visits to ensure they share our standard of excellence and, more importantly, our ethics around the fair treatment of workers.

Our Community Partner

Choose Which Cause Matters Most To You

We are proud to partner with The Nature Conservancy (TNC), supporting its mission to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends. TNC's exceptional work in land and forest restoration, ocean conservation, and wildlife protection — along with its strong presence in Colorado and worldwide — makes them our ideal first partner.
Coral Reef Protection

A healthy reef is an incredibly complex ecosystem that helps protect delicate shorelines from damage and erosion. Over 1 billion people around the world rely on coral reefs for food, livelihoods and the land where they live. Yet, coral reefs are rapidly succumbing to ocean heatwaves caused by climate change. As ocean temperatures continue to rise, reef bleaching is decimating this vital living organism.


Fortunately, there is hope as researchers have discovered super reefs that are proving resilient to warmer waters. These super reefs are sharing their secrets for survival and helping scientists conserve and protect the world’s coral reefs. The Nature Conservancy, along with partners, is participating in a collaborative effort to help coral reefs persist in a warming world.

Coral Reefs
Land & Water Conservation

The loss of biodiversity due to habitat destruction further exacerbates climate change, jeopardizing all life on Earth. Extinctions of plant and wildlife species are happening faster than ever. If we remove too many pieces the health of our environment, food supply and economies could crumble. But if we can agree to prioritize biodiversity, we can save the planet and ourselves.


Through the America the Beautiful campaign, The Nature Conservancy is driving a nationwide initiative to conserve 30% of America's lands and waters by 2030. We applaud this initiative's extensive reach across all 50 states. Developing and implementing strategies to protect, manage and restore critical ecosystems that not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but  also promote biodiversity.

Land & Water

Climate change is making wildfires larger, more destructive, and more frequent. In fact, the 20 largest wildfires in our home state of Colorado have all occurred within the last 20 years, and the fire season now lasts 75 days longer than it did in the 1970s. Because of climate change, these forests are also less able to regenerate after a wildfire, leading to permanent loss in biodiversity and outdoor recreation opportunities.


The Nature Conservancy's Healthy Forests and Watersheds initiative is dedicated to restoring 500,000 acres of forests in Tellus’s home state of Colorado, including those unable to regenerate naturally. Along with transitioning away from fossil fuels, natural climate solutions offer immediate and cost-effective ways to tackle the climate crisis—while also supporting healthy, thriving communities and ecosystems. This initiative prioritizes forest restoration, particularly reforestation and safeguarding watersheds. Healthy watersheds ensure clean water for people and wildlife, and they support agriculture and food production, industry and outdoor recreational activities in the process.


Real Tellus Stories

Evolutionary Biologist and Spatial Ecologist - Colorado Natural Heritage Program

Tellus Ambassador Dr. Bort Edwards is an evolutionary biologist and spatial ecologist dedicated to understanding biodiversity. As a Research Scientist with the Colorado Natural Heritage Program at Colorado State University, he maps and protects critical ecosystems. From remote rainforests to rugged mountains, he studies plant evolution and conservation. Bridging science and exploration, Bort embodies Adventure with Purpose.

Submitted by
Dr. “Bort”
Colorado Natural Heritage Program
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO
Adventure specs
Hundreds of plant species identified and protected
Real Tellus Stories
Men's Trail Ridge Trek Pants

Tellus in the Community

Proud Sponsor of Green Events Races

Since 2011, Green Events has been hosting sustainable, community-driven races that promote an active lifestyle while minimizing environmental impact. Founded by race director Lisa, the organization has grown from a weekend hobby into a mission-driven initiative. Tellus is proud to sponsor four major Fort Collins events this year: the Polar Bear Plunge & 5K, the Spring and Fall Equinox Races, and the Choice City Running Festival. These events celebrate fitness, community, and environmental stewardship—values that mirror our mission.

Submitted by
Lisa - Green Events
Fort Collins, CO
Adventure specs
100+ Community Races Hosted and Counting
Tellus in the Community

Tellus Product Spotlight

Oyster Shells + Plastic Bottles = Seawool Yarn

Through years of innovation and research, Creative Tech Textile Co., Ltd. developed a pioneering method to repurpose discarded oyster shells by blending them with recycled PET bottles. This breakthrough led to the creation of Seawool, a high-performance recycled fabric that brings sustainability to the textile industry. As part of our commitment to eco-friendly apparel, Tellus uses Seawool in three of our products: Men’s and Women’s Sunset Ridge Tech Shorts, Men’s Sunset Ridge Performance Joggers and the Men’s Old Town Button Down.

Featured Product
Seawool Fabric
Innovated in Taiwan
Adventure Specs
25 recycled plastic bottles = 1 pair of Tellus joggers
Tellus Product Spotlight
Men's Old Town Button Down