Shop Tellus at RioSwap 2024
When: RioSwap 2024 will take place on Sunday, February 25th, from 4:00 pm- 7:00 pm
Where: Rio Grande Mexican Restaurant Agave Room (upstairs from the Rio).
143 W Mountain Ave, Fort Collins, CO 80524
What: Discover and shop our meticulously curated selection of best sellers, including Performance Shirts and Hoodies, Old Town Button Downs, Hiking Pants, and Tech Shorts, complemented by a mix of hats, beanies, and accessories to fulfill all your outdoor Spring essentials.
How much: General admission $5.00. Under 18 Free. Paid at the door (cash, PayPal, Venmo) or ahead of time via Paypal ( or Venmo @Dan-Porter-YGR.
More: What is RioSwap, you ask? Well, it’s an outdoor gear swap hosted by YGR every year in the Agave Room. It’s equal parts gear swap, season kickoff and social gathering.